Microsoft .NET Certification
Post #14
Hey Now Everybody,
Please feel free to check out my MCTS 70-536 reference page on Chris It’s a page with a summary of all of my posts.
This post is on section 1. Developing Application that use system types & collections. Here are a few important concepts from the 1st section. As I stufy for this test I thought this would be good to post on to learn the content & others would be able to view & comment on it.
• BitArray class – is a resizable collection that can store Boolean values, In addition to being resizable, it upports common bit-level operations such as And, Not, Or, & Exclusive-or(XOR) The BitArry class would be efficient if you are writing an app that needs to perform Boolean math on a set of 42 bits.
• BitVector32 – structures purpose is to aid in manipulating bits in a 32bit integer, and it is perfect for IP address. BitVector32 is not a resiable collection at all. Instead it is fixed at 32bits
• ArrayList – does not support Boolean math
• Boolean is a single bit value.
• InvalidOperationException – Throw an InvalidOperationException if a property set or method call is not appropriate given the object’s current state. EX used if calling assembly called the method to read the filebefore specifying the file name.
• You should throw an ArgumentOutOfRangeException when a caller provides a value for a parameter but that value is invalid
• ArgumentException is a base class for all argument exceptions. You should use more specific whenever appropriate, specifically ArgumentOutOfRangeException & ArgumentNullException
• ArgumentNullException when a calling assembly provides a null value for a parameter that must have a value.
• Both SortedList & an implementation of IDictionary can be accessed by using a key
As always all comments welcome.
That’s all there is there is no more, Bye for now!