Swamp Coast FLA Code Camp
Data Driven .NET Apps Code Crackin #31
Hey Now Everybody,
In this Post:
1 Swamp Coast Overview
2 Data Driven .NET App Session Overview
3 Vid of Session Content
4 List of Speakers (blog & twitter links)
5 Session Resources Links
6 DAL class file Code
1 Swamp Coast Overview
The Swamp Coast Code Camp #3 in SWFla is gonna be another stellar event. This code camp is @ FGCU which provided a nice venue. The best part of code camps is all the people that are there to talk tek with. I”m really looking forward to relaxin with my geek friends & learning a bunch. There are going to be some great sessions there some that I’m looking forward to seeing are mostly in WP7Dev such as:
Design for WP7 – Diane Leeper
Push Notification with Windows Phone 7 Jonas Stawski
WP7 – Tips & Tricks Kevin ‘WolfBytes’ Wolf
WP7 Marketplace, Panel, Install Fest Nikita Polyakov
Special thanks to John Dunagan & all the people who volunteered to make this event possible.
2 Data Driven .NET App Session Overview
This year my session is going to Data Driven .NET Applications. This session will be fun with a ton of content. It’s meant for any skill level, the main concept we’re going to discuss is to have content of apps driven by a data source not just static. There will be a great mix of theory & code. Here is what I plan to discuss:
DB Driven Mindset - Static vs.. Data Drive Apps
DB Dev / T-SQL
Data Access ADO.NET
WP7 - XML RSS Data Source
(more detailed list below)
3. Vid of Session Details
Here are some details:
DB Driven Mindset - Static vs.. Data Drive Apps
Overview & Advantages of Apps that display content from a data source
DB Dev / T-SQL
Fundamentals to Database Development
Query Window vs.. Design View
Stored Procedures
Advanced T-SQL Topics
Intro ASP.NET & VS10 as an IDE
.NET Controls
UI – Master Pages & CSS
Data Access
Web Services
WP7 Overview (IDE & Marketplace)
WP7 Catto Free App (my open source WP7 App)
XML RSS Data Sources
Other WP7 Apps on Emulator
There are many great people who are going to be there here is a list of most that I put together along with there twitter:
Duray Akar @durayakar
Colin Blakey @ Colin Blakey
Jyoti Chawla
Oleg Sych @olegsych
Michael Wells
Jay Hill @jittery
Ken Tucker
John McFetridge
Kathy Malone
Keith Kabza @KeithKabza
Henry Lee
Greg Leonardo @biztalkdev
Christopher Bennage @bennage
Sam Abraham @wildturtle21
Todd Anglin @toddanglin
Jason Beres @jasonberes
Scott Dorman @sdorman
Chris Eargle @kodefuguru
Jason Milgram @jmilgram
Nikita Polyakov @nikitap
Herve Roggero @hroggero
Stan Shultes @fstanschultes
Jonas Stawski @jstawski
Max Trinidad @maxtrinidad
Alex Funkhouser @sherlocktech
Joe Healy @devfish
Joe Hominick @smokingjoe
Adam Jorgensen @adam_jorgensen
Scott Klein @scottklein
Diane Leeper @dianeleeper
Ryan Parsley @RyanParsley
5 Session Resources Links
Here are some other links that my be helpful regarding the content from my session:
SQL2008 Database Dev 70-433 Skills Measured
SQL 2008 DB Dev 70-433 Programming Objects
SQL 2008 DB Dev 70-433 XML Data
SSMS Toughest Program to Install
Microsoft Visual Studio Hotkey Shortcuts
.NET 4 ASP.NET ‘Skills Overview’ 70-515 Exam
6 DAL Class File code
public class DAL
private static string ConnectionString
return ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["100827_wpb5ConnectionString"].ConnectionString;
public static DataTable ExecuteDataTable(string storedProcedureName, params SqlParameter[] arrParam)
DataTable dt = new DataTable();
SqlConnection cn = new SqlConnection(ConnectionString);
SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(storedProcedureName, cn);
cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
if (cn.State == ConnectionState.Closed || cn.State == ConnectionState.Broken)
if (arrParam != null)
foreach (SqlParameter param in arrParam)
SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter(cmd);
return dt;
catch (Exception ex)
throw new Exception("Error: " + ex.Message);
That is all, there will be more,