Wednesday, April 28, 2010

MCPD 4 Microsoft Beta Exam Prep ~80 Key Terms 70-519 Code Crackin #20

Hey Now Everybody,

As preparation continues for the new MCPD 4 exam 70-519 / 71-519 / 70-564, let us inspect some key terms. Each of these terms are linked to a good resource page most to the MSDN library. By reading all these term then skimming though the resource page can only help us prepare for the Microsoft Certified Professional Developer exam. This post is intended to help people prepare for the exam & learn .NET.

Here are ~80 key terms linked to a good reference:

IN-MEMORY – server;
HTTPS server;

So we just went thought quite a bit of content which will help us prepare for the exams. What do you think?

As always all comments welcome.

That is all, there will be more,


Thursday, April 22, 2010

MCPD .NET 4 Preparing for the Microsoft beta exam 70-519 - Code Crackin #19

Hey Now Everybody,

Preparing for the Microsoft MCPD .NET 4 beta exam 70-519. This is the next version of the 3.5 70-564 exam. The MCTS exams have the self paced training kit books which are stellar resources to study from, however the MCPD exams there isn’t as much exam prep materials. Outlined are the skills measured in this exam.

This is posted to help people & myself study for the exam & learn more about .NET 4. Below are some key points that I’ve summarized so we can just read basically one or two sentences which will cover one topic or concept. I’ve tried to present this content in a way to use our time most efficiently with not much repetition and content we we use.

70-564 / 70-519 / 71-519
Key Concepts:

331 AD Authentication mode & identity Impersonation such as <authentication mode="Windows" /><identity impersonate="true" />

332 Master pages & webconfig specifies master page for application

333. DataSources for example LinqDataSource, when data's being retrieved by a datacontext object

334. Prevent harmful scripts being stored in sql db we can ValidateRequest attribute of the @Page directive should be set to false & saving the text to the database, you should make use of the Server.HtmlEncode method

335. Verifying data inputted into db is valid by when the Page.IsValid property is True use the Click event handler of the
   Button control to submit the data

336  Store data for lifetime of app we can use In-memory of the Web server process should be used as the storage.

337. Web Apps -When pages are updated frequently & we want quick startup time we precompile the application along with the fixed assembly names by using the aspnet_compiler utility.

338. Ensure updating pages doesn't effect load time of other pages we use a Web site project copy the entire application to the deployment server and copy only the updated files to the server.

339. Multiple master pages with user controls to dynamically reference the control we:
    Code each master page class to implement a common interface exposing the ImageUrl property of the Image control
   create a strongly typed master page reference by using the @ MasterType directive on each content page

4110 Upgrading applications by upgrade the application to a Visual Studio 2010 Web application project

4111 AD auth - When an unauthenticated user hits a page we want to force them to enter uid & pw we use of Forms authentication.Use the ActiveDirectoryMembershipProvide class

4112 when a data bound control which we can page through records, create, update we can use a FormView

4113. When a page displays data from a db based on an id & not creating a new node in the sitemap for each page we can handle the SiteMap.SiteMapResolve event

4114. When we want to display data in a grid we retrieve data for the GridView control by using the SqlDataSource control

4115. When a control supports 2 languages such as all German-region views in German all others in english we can for each page without any culture specified & ge culture, create a resource file place the files in the App_LocalResources directory

4116. Consistent display properties of controls we define a skin for each type of ASP.NET server control that is used in the app

4117. A DAL supporting 3rd party vendors the data access object we use OleDbDataAdapter

4118. Deploying an app ensure assemblies comply w/ rules & naming conventions we create a Web app project, the output assembly name should be set to conform to the rules.

4119 Excel files in a folder that we don't want accessed from bots we have each the Excel files should be mapped to the ASP.NET ISAPI filter & a <deny> element should be added to the <authorization> element in the Web.config file

4120. When a firewall denies access on ports 80 & 443 we use the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) on port 443 to expose the Web services.

8221. Databound server control that uses customized item templates & uses the DataPager we use a ListView.

8222. when subdirctories are permission based by roles & stored in a single web.config file we'd use the <location> node.

8223. Apply a theme to a page we'd use the handler for the Page.PreInit event

8224. When we store state of a shopping cart by UID the shopping cart should be stored in a user profile property.

8225. Display content in languages of users preference we use the value of the Page.UICulture property should be set to a value stored in a user profile property.

8226. Log all audit events for an app we configure the eventMappings node in the Machine.config file so that a single entry for auditing events is present for All Audits.

8227. Improve search relevancy of page URL by not having .aspx ext use an HttpModule object can be used to make sure of this.

8228 Use 3rd party db's & prevent update or delete the data tier object we choose to use OleDbDataReader

8229. Custom client side & AJAX behaviors to be added to server controls we can for each server control, a custom extender control has to be created. After add the extender controls along with the server controls in the Web forms.

8230. Validate against AD by client side script. code fragment should be added to the Web.config file of the application <authentication mode="Forms" />
configure the application, making it use the ActiveDirectoryMembershipProvider class.

8231. Implementing a master page we can:
  set the MasterPageFile property on each page to the virtual path of the master page file
& configure a virtual directory within each app, and point the virtual directory to the folder containing the master page
& copy the master page into a single folder on the server

8232 Modify & update data that is retrieved from a data set. using SQLCommandBuilder the update command for related SQLDataAdapter class we'd after the UpdateCommand property of the SqlDataAdapter class is set to a SqlCommand object, we use a custom UPDATE statement and call the Update method of the SqlDataAdapter class

8233. Performance issues occur & we collect sample timings of pages. We set the enabled attribute to true and the pageOutput attribute set to false for the Web.config's trace element
Trace Element - enabled attribute = true & pageOutput attribute = false

8234 Photo sharing app to download the image, first we ascertain the request for the photo download by creating an HttpHandler class, then process photo for format & return photo

8235.  DB accessed by web app, web & sql servers on separate servers we create a Web service, deploy it to the same network as the database server

8236 Application_error event: Create tracking number for errors after the exception is logged in the Application_Error event of the Global.asax file, we redirect to the customError.aspx page, pass tracking number in query string.

8237 Set up Authentication for a subdirectory add this code to the Web.config in the subdirectory.
<allow roles="TomatoSubscriber" />
<deny users="*" />

8238.Debug js by displaying fields of AJAX object in trace console in web form we choose to use Sys.Debug.traceDump

8239 Web form calls web service when page is accessed ensure two routines are called we have  Async="True" attribute has to be added to the Page directive.

3440.   Deploy app to server where there are more than one app is & the app is the only one that can modify certain files on the server,  After the application pool is configured to use a dedicated user account, we give access for the share to the user account.

3441. AddFileDependency When a batch process updates a xml file code segment: Response.AddFileDependency(fileDependencyPath);Response.Cache.SetCacheability(HttpCacheability.Public);

3442. Create a control in VS10 toolbox we'd use a custom server control

3443.  LINQ: var query =
from item in Items
where item.Books.All(b => b.Price <= 52)
select item;
All Items that have the price of the related magazine less than or equal to 52

3444.  Authorization info cashed: the cookieProtection attribute should be set to Encryption in the roleManager element of the Web.config

3445. Save ViewState info in SQL we'd use the SaveStateComplete event

3446. Create UI element we'd create a custom Web control.

3447. Store sensitive data that can be viewed in db, before we store sensitive data in the database, we'd use the Advanced Encryption Standard algorithm to encrypt the data.

3448. Site uses the SiteMapPath control connected to a sitemap & we need to configure a treeview.  After we configure a SiteMapDataSource control to use the XmlSiteMapProvider control, we configure the TreeView control to use the SiteMapDataSource control.

3449. Page that asks many questions & guides user though troubleshooting we'd choose to use MultiView control.

3450. Prevent bots from registering site:  Implement a Completely Automated Public Turing Tests (CAPTCHA) during the reg & login
& Send confirmation e-mail to new users. Disallow new user access until user responds to the e-mail message.

3451. No profile data stored in clear text we  First we create a custom profile provider. Before we store information in db, we ensure it's encrypted in the custom provider.

3452. Info able to be displayed in Excel we  use the DelimitedListTraceListener class.

3453.Users able to view updates on info from site  we supply a Really Simple Syndication (RSS) link adjacent to each product. And then we base the RSS feed on a Web service that returns updates for the product.

3454.  Authentication using existing db w/ table of UID & PW we'd  create a custom membership provider that has to be used.

3455. Users browsers specifies German we'd  rename the file to

3456. SQL SELECT Order.OrderID
FROM Order JOIN OrderDetails
ON Order.OrderID = OrderDetails.OrderID
LINQ from order in db.Ordersjoin details
in db.OrderDetails onorder.OrderID
equals details.OrderIDselect
new { order.OrderID, order.Description, details.UnitPrice};

9457. Web app renders in mobile devices Add a custom browser definition file to the application App_Browsers folder.
& Configure the application code to query the Capabilities property of the Request.Browser object

9458. DataPager control ensure it has properties exposed to webpardzone controls on all pages A zonelement element should be added to the WebPartZone control on each page.
& After the DataPagerControl control is copied into a new user control, we use the @Register directive to add a reference to the new user control in each page.

9259. Ensure web form w/ link button functions in browsers w/ js disabled the LinkButton control should be replaced with an HtmlInputSubmit control

9260. Databound ddl create an XML file in the App_Data directory to represent the data in the DropDownList control & bind the XmlDataSource control to the DataSource property of the DropDownList control.

9261. Set storage for session-state the session-state values stored in the StateServer state provider

9262. Dynamically added controls used for lifetime of page event after PostBack call the Page.ParseControl() method in the PreInit event of the page.

9263. Invoke web service asynchronously & execute tasks simultaneously we invoke the RegisterAsyncTask method.

9264. Reduce SQL injection:
 constrain & sanitize user input,
& use a least-privileged database account,
& use parameterized SQL statements.

9265. Dynamic Pricelist in master pages we After a custom master page is created for mobile-device browsers, modify the page that contains the price list to use device filters along with the MasterPageFile attribute of the @ Page directive.

9266. HTML stored in db & any scripts cannot be executed on browser use System.Web.HttpUtility.HtmlEncode() method

9267. Encrypt but not decrypt passwords we Encrypt passwords by using the Secure Hash algorithm before the passwords are stored in the db.

9268. Gridview using business object to select & update The DataSourceID property of the GridView control set to an ObjectDataSource instance that uses the business object.

9269. Calc time for all process requests we create and register a custom HttpModule class.

5970. Forms auth app & we make users access via AD we alter the membership provider to ActiveDirectoryMembershipProvider.

5971. Change RadioButtonLists to drop downs create a class that extends the WebControlAdapter class & register it in a browser file.

5972. Ensure VS10 automatically recognize new images added to project a Web site project we copy the files that are part of the application to the source folder of the application.

5973. Validate a user selects drop down selection that is not default selected we use RequiredFieldValidator .

5974. Control on each page at most 4 pages a SiteMapPath control added on each page, & the ParentLevelsDisplayed property set to 4

5975. App uses Forms auth & users can access sessions of other users we add to the Web.config <forms cookieless="UseCookies">

5976. Logging intermittent errors we create An event handler for the Application.Error event should be added to the Global.asax file of the app

5977. Consistent state management use ControlState

5978. Nested Masters After we create a nested master page that binds to existing master page, the reporting section-specific ContentPlaceHolder controls are added to the new master page. Then we configure content pages in the ~/Reporting folder, making it use the new master page

5979. Session State persistence we use the session-state values by using the SQLServer state provider

5980. Debug JS In IE enable script debugging

5981. Private key used to encrypt & decrypt we make use of the System.Security.ProtectedData class

5982. Data bound control built in sort we choose GridView

5983. Secure authentication cookie use a secure HTTP connection for any request that involves the transmission of an authentication cookie.

5984. ASP.NET AJAX app & a Web service returns data w/ compact format & minimum markup overhead we create a JSON Web service

5985. Implement data access for third party db's & prevents xss use parameterized SQL statements. .

5986. Web control provides data to other controls on page to third party db's use of an OleDbDataTableAdapter object.

5987. To Implement RSS we create & register a custom HttpHandler class that releases the RSS feeds & associate the HttpHandler class to the .rss extension.

5988. When page request is made provide page layouts & themes we have theme & master page have to be dynamically set in the PreInit event of each page.

Hope you enjoyed this content & the way it was presented.

That is all there will be more,


Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Visual studio 2010 Microsoft Event Launch Miami 4.20.10

Miami Visual studio 2010 Microsoft Event Launch

Hey Now Everybody,


4.20.10 The Miami Visual studio 2010 Microsoft Event Launch. It was a fun event. I went with a two of my friends Code Monkeez & WeToddz which makes it even better. Aside from VS10 the highlight for me was seeing a the first Win7 phone in Florida.

When we got there we received a DVD of the Trial version of Visual Studio 2010 for 90 which is also available on Microsoft downloads, along with a T-Shirt & some stickers which was very nice.

We took a look at a sample web app named Blue Yonder Solutions was the demo ASP.NET application demo The two Microsoft presenters were Joe ‘DevFish’ Healy & Glenn Gordon.

Joe showed quite a few features of VS10 which he called his tackle box of vs10:

VS10 Multimonitor Support Rip Tab off
Natural Scolling
quick replace for block of code Alt+Shift+Arrow
VB Line Continuation chars are gone
Visual Studio Extentions
HTML Snippets on right click instert snippet
VB has generate method on right click of definition
Words highlighted, when one word is highlighted all the instances are highlighted
New help experience
VB Collection Initializers
C# Named & Optional Arguments
C++ Joe asked how many people using it & only 3 people raised hands
F# improvements
Office UI Customization
SharePoint Explorer (F5 run)
SharePoint 2010 Project Templates
SharePoint 2010 F5 Debugging Experience
InetlliTrace - Historical Debugging
UML / Data Diagrams
Automate UI Testing
VSTS Anywhere

We got into Silverlight a little with the Silverlight Facebook ux is better than web 1.0 sites. Silverlight is important & has started to lap WPF.
Silverlight 4 is slick since it has many rich features such as mic & webcam, multicast streaming, WCF RIA servers, Printing, Out of browser, right click/mouse wheel. There are some new controls for Silverlight to business-centric apps such as calendar, charts. Silverlight can be outof the browser, store data locally & use local resources.

When starting an empty web app there in the web config there are two config files for dev & prod for example web.debug.config web.release.config We then inspected some data access layers. We moved on to WPF where Joe built a WPF app on the fly which was pretty nice to see. He also displayed a parallel computing example by using both cpu cores. We took a break & then got back into the web development w/ vs2010. They stated web forms are far from dead & being enhanced such as dynamic data.

Glen Gordon presented a nice dynamic data web app example with a good amount of code. We spoke about MVC concepts such as how it separated concerns & is easily testable. Glen finished the session with some windows phone, he stated 3 screens and a cloud example workstation, phone & Xbox are 3 screens tied by the cloud.
Win7 phone has standardized hardware.

There was many people including some local user group leaders who announced a couple events such as Swamp Code Camp 9.25.10 (South West Fla ) Homnick's Gold Coast UG announced a meeting May 13th SQL Server 2008 Dev Exam 70-422.

For this event the room was full about There ~150 people. The live event was very enjoyable & glad I went.

That is all there will be more,

Thursday, April 15, 2010

MCPD 4 Exam 70-519 Skills Measured Reviewed - Code Crackin #18

Hey Now Everybody,

Microsoft .NET 4 was released Tuesday, there is a MCPD 4 beta exam 71-519 which real exam will be 70-519 that I’ve registered for. To prepare for this exam I’m going to study & start by reviewing the skills being measured on the exam. Below are is the list presented in three times each with a little more detail than the previous one.  The links are some that I’ve been reading & reviewing mostly from the MSDN library. Let’s inspect what’s going to be on this brand new exam:

Skills Measured

1. Architecture
2. UX
3. Data
4. Security
5. Troubleshooting
6. Deployment

1 Designing the Application Architecture (19%)

2 Designing the User Experience (17%)

  • 2.1 Design the site structure.
  • 2.2 Plan for cross-browser and/or form factors.
  • 2.3 Plan for globalization.

3 Designing Data Strategies and Structures (18%)

  • 3.1 Design data access.
  • 3.2 Design data presentation and interaction.
  • 3.3.Plan for data validation

4 Designing Security Architecture and Implementation (17%)

5 Preparing For and Investigating Application Issues (15%)

6 Designing a Deployment Strategy (14%)

Details on Skills Measured:

1 Designing the Application Architecture (19%)

  • 1.1 Plan the division of application logic.
         Choosing between client-side and server side processing,
    Planning Separation of Concern
                       partitioning functionality between controllers and evaluating business
                       & data service consumption
         planning for long-running processes
    Synchronous vs. Asynchronous
  • 1.2 Analyze requirements and recommend a system topology.
            Designing interaction between applications,
            Mapping logical design to physical implementation,
            Validating nonfunctional requirements and cross-cutting concerns
                          operations management
           Evaluating baseline needs
                          quality of service
  • 1.3 Choose appropriate client-side technologies
    Microsoft Silverlight
  • 1.4 Choose appropriate server-side technologies
              User controls
              Server controls
              Custom HtmlHelper extensions
    Web parts
              Inheriting controls
    Dynamic data controls
  • 1.5 Design state management.
         Designing an application for the proper use of application state, session state, and request state
                ex. ViewState, ControlState, Cache object, cookies, and client-side persistence

2 Designing the User Experience (17%)

  • 2.1 Design the site structure.
         Designing application segmentation for manageability and security
               Ex. using areas, shared views, master pages, and nested master pages
         Appropriate use of style sheets
         Client-side scripting
         Client ID generation
          Rendering element modes
          Routing engine
  • 2.2 Plan for cross-browser and/or form factors.
         Evaluating the impact on client side behaviors, themes, bandwidth, style sheets
                        (including application design - task based or scaled rendering of existing page),
         When to apply Browsers file
         Structural approaches
         User agents
         Different platforms (mobile vs. desktop)
  • 2.3 Plan for globalization.
         Designing to support local, regional, language, or cultural preferences, including UI vs. data localization
               ex. implementing at database level or resource level
         When to use CurrentCulture vs. CurrentUICulture
         Globalization rollout plan
               ex  setting base default language, planning localization
         handling Unicode data
              ex what fields to include, request encoding
         right-to-left support
         Vertical text and non-Latin topographies, calendars, data formatting, sorting

3 Designing Data Strategies and Structures (18%)

  • 3.1 Design data access.
         Choosing data access technologies such as ADO.NET Data Services, Entity Framework, Windows Communications Foundation (WCF), and ASP.NET Web Services
  • 3.2 Design data presentation and interaction.
         Pulling data from data layer and binding into views, pages, and controls, and pulling data back to data layer by using ModelBinders, data source controls, and HtmlHelper extensions, or programmatically
  • 3.3 Plan for data validation
         Contextual validation vs. data integrity, where to validate data, synchronization between UI and data layer, data annotations

4 Designing Security Architecture and Implementation (17%)

  • 4.1 Plan for operational security
         Approaches for process- and resource-level security, including local and remote resources, Code Access Security (CAS), including trust level, process identity, application pool, and identity tag
  • 4.2 Design an authentication and authorization model.
         Authentication providers, including WindowsForms, and custom user identity flowthrough
                ex trusted subsystem 
         role management
         membership providers
         URL authorization
               ex AuthorizationAttribute
         File authorization, Authorization Manager (AzMan)
  • 4.3 Plan for minimizing attack surfaces
    Input validation
    Throttling inputs
         Request filtering
         Where to use Secure Sockets Layer (SSL)

5 Preparing For and Investigating Application Issues (15%)

  • 5.1 Choose a testing methodology
         black box, white box, integration, regression, coverage, API testing, performance testing, security testing
  • 5.2 Design an exception handling strategy.
            HandleError attribute in MVC, common error pages, post-error processing, global vs. page level
  • 5.3 Recommend an approach to debugging
         Tools and approaches for a given scenario
              (for example, memory dumps, DebuggingAttributes, crashes vs. hangs, deadlocks, assembly binding), when to attach to process (Visual Studio Development Server vs. IIS vs. Internet Explorer), root cause analysis\
  • 5.4 Recommend an approach to performance issues
         Which instrumentation to watch or create
               (including performance counters and event tracing) to analyze performance issues, page and fragment caching

6 Designing a Deployment Strategy (14%)

  • 6.1 Design a deployment process.
         Windows Installer (MSI) vs. xcopy vs. Web Deployment Tool, scaling, rolling deployments
  • 6.2 Design configuration management
         Using the ConfigSource attribute
                (for example, connection strings),
    staging vs. production vs. development, topologies, machine.config vs. web.config, using IIS vs. Visual Studio Development Server during development, application pools, configuration inheritance
  • 6.3 Plan for scalability and reliability
         scaling up, scaling out, at physical level and at architectural level, impact of offloading technologies on load balancing, including state, synchronizing machine and encryption keys
  • 6.4 Design a health monitoring strategy
         When to monitor application or business-related events (e.g., on UI every time clicked or in business layer), determining a strategy for using ASP.NET Health Monitoring, throttling, filtering, delivery method

Here is a link to the official Microsoft page of the skills measured.

Unfortunately there is no official Microsoft Self Paced Training Kit for this exam, therefore I’m going to continue to review this material. There we have it we now understand & reviewed the skills measured in to 70-519 MCPD 4 Web Dev exam.

That is all there will be more,


Monday, April 12, 2010

VS10 & .NET 4 Install Adventures Code Crackin #17

Hey Now Everybody,

Today is the day we all know what was released today right.. Adobe's new tool?? Maybe but more importantly to us devs is Visual Studio 2010 & .NET 4. It’s the most important tool for me & fun that it’s released today & to install it. Here are some thoughts on the topic & the install.

First off Channel 9 & Microsoft/visualstuio had a great streaming video's all day today which were stellar even a live DNR be sure to check it out.
first we could choose what bits to download, we could use web installer or download files for iso. I prefer an an iso since then the dvd can be burned & kept. Download 4 files ~2500kb place them all in the same folder & exe the first file then they will extract & create an iso. Right click the iso file select open with, then windows disc image burner (win7 tool) or what ever iso burner of your choice.

Once you enter the iso disc in the drive choose the auto run.
Install Screens
1 Install - The first screen has install vs2010.
2 Legal - Then we accept all the legal terms of MIcrosoft click next
3 Custom - We can choose to custom install, I deselected c++ since I just wanted to install it faster & it was a third less of the footprint ~4g.
4 Then it installs brings us to a progress bar & install everything such as the VC Runtime, .NET4, TFS Object, VS2010 Ultimate, Multi-Targeting pack, ASP.NET MVC 2 SL3SDK, Then we click next
5 Success Click Finish - we could also view the install doc & link to 'Visual Studio Gallery' which is nice(where spell checker is)

& o ya, let's select our default view web dev (code only), & I got an error that read. ‘The type initialize for ‘<Module>’ threw an exception. ‘ I clicked ok & it opened the same window then I clicked ok again &


Then I research a little & saw a q/a post about some c++ item. I ran autostart.exe again, then we are prompted w/ 3 choices:

1. Add remove features
2. Uninstall
3. Some other option I didn’t choose

So I installed C++ files, restarted but still same error. I’m going have to put more time in tomorrow. The cause maybe I tried to install the RC on this PC before but it didn’t install all the way. I can uninstall it since it’s not in the uninstall programs. Therefore my plan is to install Windows 7 fresh & attempt to install VS10 again.

VS10 is great for the following reasons this is kinda off the top of my head while installing so the order & items may change over time:

0.5 Chart Server Controls - nice kinda 3.5 very useful framework
1. Debugging: IntelliTrace: we can DVR debug meaning we can debug forward & backward.
2. Multimonitor Support - nice to be able to rip a tab off & have code on two screens
3. C# Optional Parameters in .NET 4 - Nice new feature since it's a feature we'll use.
4. MVC 2 - Nice for a green project, it's been fun to learn look Ma no code behind
5. CSS Friendly Controls Layouts - This is a real feature that we can use, the menu will now work for webkit .. sweet! Tx Phil Haack
6. New application templates - It's nice to be able to start an app with masterpages, css AJAX, JQuery all included
7. Code View, provides more real estate with out source & design tab
8. Deploying Project Improvements - We have to deploy for our users
9. Spell Check (add in) - even though this is an addin it's a nifty useful tool
10. TFS2010 - Version control of today, Team Foundation is also available for download.
11. Natural Scrolling - For large font peeps like me we can just Ctrl+scroll wheel
12. Silverlight 3 SDK - Yes we can just download this for VS08, yet this is the future Silverlight 3 out of browser is so slick.
13. Multiple Framework Version Targeting - Of course we expect to target multi framework & we can
14. Themes & customization - I enjoy skinning my apps & not just default white background.
15. Design View Improvements - The design view is better than VS08 it'll be great when we have AJAX in design as a default in studio, 10 is better than 08 in this category.
16. ADO.NEt EF Tools - Working with data is so fun, EF4 is here

The .NET 4 Framework is installed in C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319.

There we have it Visual Studio 2010 & .NET needs a little more time to be Installed, whoo haa!

That is all there will be more,


Sunday, April 11, 2010

Prep & Take Exam 71-515 .NET 4 ASP.NET Web Dev - Code Crackin #16

Hey Now Everybody,

For quite some time I’ve prepared to take the Microsoft .NET 4 Web Dev Exam 71-515, on Saturday April 10th 2010 I took the exam. It was a great experience that I’ve learned a lot & enjoyed it. The beta exam is great since it’s free to take. The exam was longer 85 questions (not 40) & it was 170 minutes (not 120 min). Below is a summary of my preparation for the exam.

The exam 71-515 is a beta for the exam 70-515. It's the web dev for .NET 4. The web dev .NET 3.5 exam is 70-562 & here the two are compared. The skills measured for the exam are listed officially by Microsoft also here is a summary:

1 Developing Web Forms Pages (19%)

  • 1.1 Configure Web Forms pages.
  • 1.2 Implement master pages & themes.
  • 1.3 Implement globalization.
  • 1.4 Handle page life cycle events.
  • 1.5 Implement caching.
  • 1.6 Manage state.

2 Developing and Using Web Forms Controls (18%)

  • 2.1 Validate user input.
  • 2.2 Create page layout.
  • 2.3 Implement user controls.
  • 2.4 Implement server controls.
  • 2.5 Manipulate user interface controls from code-behind.

3 Implementing Client-Side Scripting and AJAX (16%)

  • 3.1 Add dynamic features to a page by using JavaScript.
  • 3.2 Alter a page dynamically by manipulating the DOM.
  • 3.3 Handle JavaScript events.
  • 3.4 Implement ASP.NET AJAX.
  • 3.5 Implement AJAX by using jQuery.

4 Configuring and Extending a Web Application (15%)

  • 4.1 Configure authentication & authorization.
  • 4.2 Configure providers.
  • 4.3 Create and configure HttpHandlers and HttpModules.
  • 4.4 Configure initialization and error handling.
  • 4.5 Reference and configure ASMX and WCF services.
  • 4.6 Configure projects and solutions, and reference assemblies.
  • 4.7 Debug a Web application.
  • 4.8 Deploy a Web application.

5 Displaying and Manipulating Data (19%)

  • 5.1 Implement data-bound controls.
  • 5.2 Implement DataSource controls.
  • 5.3 Query and manipulate data by using LINQ.
  • 5.4 Create and consume a data service.
  • 5.5 Create and configure a Dynamic Data project.

6 Developing a Web Application by Using ASP.NET MVC 2 (13%)

  • 6.1 Create custom routes.
  • 6.2 Create controllers & actions.
  • 6.3 Structure an ASP.NET MVC application.
  • 6.4 Create and customize views.

Here is a list of good flix too along with a summary of them.

Also the WhitePaper & Scott Gu have some good .NET 4 content

Hope this helps provide info about the 71-515 exam,

The next 40 days I’m breaking up into two 20 day sections, the first focusing on the MCPD ASP.NET 4 exam & going to prepare & take that beta exam. Then changing focus to the SQL Server 2008 Developer exam. The content is great to study & learn.

That is all there is & there will be more,
