Tuesday, August 31, 2010

WP7 Windows Phone 7 Application Development - Now is the Time - Catto Code Crackin #30

WP7 Windows Phone 7 Application Development Catto Code Crackin #30

Hey Now Everybody,

WP7! Windows Phone 7 App Dev! The place is here & the time is now. We always here ‘Timing is everything’ & right now is the time to develop apps for WP7 ‘DubP7’. The tools are all free, the windows marketplace will accept WP7 apps soon & the phone/device will be available to the public soon. Therefore since we can be in the first group of apps in the marketplace there is a nice potential for generating revenue. All this combined with developing in cutting edge technology including Silverlight, VS10, Blend, XNA are the reasons I’m really enjoying WP7Dev. Here is what I’ve been focusing on including some references & my current project.


1. Developing my App

2. Documenting my Research ‘Catto’s Windows Phone Book’

3. Code ‘WP7 Catto Free App’– Public @ CodePlex

4. Vid of my Catto Free App in Emulator

5. Microsoft Live Training

6. Developer.WindwosPhone.com – MarketPlace Account All ready!

7. Resources


Here are some details on these items:

1. Developing my App – This is really where I’ve been focusing my time since it’s the most fun for me, most important to producing an app and a great way to learn.

2. Documenting my Research ‘Catto’s Windows Phone Book aka WP7 App Dev Windows Phone Development using Silverlight’’ – I’ve been writing a technical book which currently is very raw and in a rough draft. It’s were I’ve been documenting what I’ve been learning.

3. Code ‘WP7 Catto Free App’ – Public @ CodePlex – I’ve posted my code from my project all public on CodePlex so anyone can download it to view, run & learn from it.

4. Vid of my Catto Free App in Emulator -

5. Microsoft Live Training – Thursday I’m attending a Firestarter event @ the Microsoft Office in Ft. Lauderdale.. This will be really fun & educational with many people there.

6. Developer.WindwosPhone.com – MarketPlace Account All ready! I’ve paid $100 to join the marketplace & I’m all ready to upload my .xap file.

7. Resources – Here are a ton of links that I’ve been learning from:

Developer Windows Phone
Windows Phone Blog
Catto’s WP7 Free App
Windows Phone 7 Panorama & Pivot controls
Windows Phone 7 database
Windows Phone 7 Developer Training Kit at Channel9
Charles Petzold’s Programming Windows Phone 7 eBook
WP7 Listbox
WP7 Twitter Dev #WP7Dev
Design Day Recordings
Animated Banner Tutorial 11
Count Me In
Reaction Time
WP7 Guide
Tilt Content Control
WP7 Tutorials
WP7 Forums & Sample Apps
Chris Koenig Working W/ Data
More ADO Guy
Github Seven Auth
Unit Testing WP7
Square dot game
MSDN Library WP7Dev
MSDN Base Controls
App Bar
WP7 Webcam
WP7 Programming Guide MSDN
Custom Transitions
Bing Map WP7
Multi-Touch Manipulation
nRoute Framework
FourSquare for Windows Phone 7
Windows Phone 7 Analogue Clock
BeeHive Game for Windows Phone 7
Phone 7 Action Pack (Windows Phone 7)
XNA Panoramic Menus For Windows Phone 7
OneBusAway for Windows Phone 7
Widows Phoen Developer Blog
Brandon Watson's Blog
Charlie Kindel's Blog
Anand Iyer's Blog
Peter Torr’s Blog
Mike Ormond's Blog
Paul Foster's Blog
Martin Beeby's Blog
Windows Phone 7: A New Kind of Phone
Overview of the Windows Phone 7 Application Platform
Windows Phone 7 Architecture Deep Dive
Understanding Marketplace and Making Money with Windows Phone 7 Applications
Understanding the Windows Phone 7 Development Tools
An In-Depth View of Building Applications for Windows Phone 7 with Microsoft Silverlight (Part 1)
An In-Depth View of Building Applications for Windows Phone 7 with Microsoft Silverlight (Part 2)
Microsoft Silverlight Performance on Windows Phone
Designing and Developing for the Rich Mobile Web
Developing Occasionally Connected Applications for Windows Phone 7
Building Windows Phone Games with Microsoft XNA Game Studio
Building a High Performance 3D Game for Windows Phone
Developing Mobile Code Today that will run on Windows Phone 7 Tomorrow
Coding4Fun: Learn Windows Phone 7 Development by Creating a Robotic T-Shirt Cannon
Application Platform Overview for Windows Phone
Getting Started Guide for Developing for Windows Phone
What’s New in Windows Phone Developer Tools Beta
Breaking Changes for Windows Phone Developer Tools Beta
The Silverlight and XNA Frameworks for Windows Phone
Windows Phone Developer Tools (WPDT)
Programming Guide for Windows Phone
Class Library Reference for Windows Phone
Download the Windows Phone Developer Tools (WPDT) Beta
Installation Notes: Windows Phone Developer Tools
Uninstall issues with the Windows Phone Developer Tools
Understanding the Windows Phone 7 Development Tools
Get Started page on Silverlight.net

There we have it; WP7 is on; it’s just the beginning, hope we can all have some fun w/ WP7Dev & generate some revenue.

FontFamily="{StaticResource PhoneFontFamilyNormal}"
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mc:Ignorable="d" d:DesignWidth="480" d:DesignHeight="768"

That is all, there will more,
