Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Catto’s in Top 20 Windows Phone 7 Developer List

Catto’s in Top 20 Windows Phone 7 Developer List

Hey Now,

The is a new Info Graph that I saw from the WP7 AppHub that lists many facts about the new MarketPlace where we go for Windows Phone 7 apps. Also my friend from Florida Russ Toolshed Network Inc is listed too. It’s been a ton of fun to develop the apps for WP7 and I plan to continue since I many more ideas that I would like to developed into apps. Check it out:































That is all there will be more;


Catto’s Interview on Cloud Plumbing Podcast by Ryan Parsley a TekTalkshow

Catto’s Cloud Plumbing Podcast Interview by Ryan Parsley

Hey Now,

I’m very pleased to announce that last week I was asked to be on the Cloud Plumbing Podcast an internet technical talk show hosted by Ryan Parsley. I’ve been a BIG fan of Cloud Plumbing since I first heard the show sponsored by Linxster. Podcasts & tek talk shows have been very enjoyable to listed to me while I work since it’s a great way to learn about technology. This episode is ~15 minutes and you can check it out:

Chris Catto’s Cloud Plumbing Interview

I’ve meet Ryan though .NET community events who is a graphic designer for Linxter. Linxter is a very successful cloud messaging company local in south Florida founded by a brilliant man by the name of Jason Milgram. Jason recently was asked to present about Linxter at the 2011 Microsoft MVP Summit. It’s one of the great success stories how Jason has founded such a good & growing company.

Ryan & I talk about software development from an interesting perspective in the episode. We also discuss Windows Phone 7 and the apps I’ve produced in the marketplace. We also discuss, the .NET community and some other area’s where I’m interested in. I’d like to thank Stephanie Helf the Marketing Manager at Linxter for helping organizing the episode along with a BIG thanks again to Ryan for having me on the show!

That is all there will be more;


Thursday, February 10, 2011

Blendin #WP7Dev – #SFCC using Expression Blend 4 building FLA Code Camp App

Hey Now Everybody,

7th Annual South Florida Code Camp is going to be a stellar event. The event is totally free. There are over 800 people registered; over 70 training session to choose from, free food all day & many raffles including giving a XBox 360 Kinnect! Here is the FLA.NET Code Campe home page; along with two twitter tags #SFCC & #FLDEV.

My session this year is ‘Blendin WP7Dev’ where we’ll go use Microsoft Expression Blend 4 & VS10 to build a Windows Phone 7 app & submit it to the marketplace! The app we build is going to be the ‘Florida .NET Code Camp app’! Including a way to obtain information about the 6 code camps around our state.

Here is a picture from last year:

Chris Catto South Florida Code Camp 2010 .NET

There is also a nice set of video’s on my YouTube channel from a previous year.

The people at the code camp are the best. It’s so fun to meet new people & see many of my old friends. The training sessions are super too. It’s amazing all this cutting edge education is all free. The list of speakers is impressive check it out below including links to their home pages & twitters:

Adam Jorgensen @adam_jorgensen
Adrian Wible @awible
Alex Funkhouser @sherlocktech
Alexander Koval @alexkoval
Bayer White @BayerWhite
Becky Isserman @MossLover
Bill DeLisi
Brandon Berry
Byron Blank
Chris Eargle @kodefuguru
Chris Love @ChrisLove
chris stewart
Colin Blakey
Dan Sandlin
Dave Noderer @DaveNoderer
Duray Akar @durayakar
Edward Rhodes
Eugene Chuvyrov @eugenechuvyrov
Fritz Francis
Greg Leonardo @gleonardo
Hector Hernandez
Henry Lee
Herve Roggero @hroggero
J.C. Novoa @J_C_Novoa
Jared Freedman
Jason Beres @JasonBeres
Jason Milgram @jmilgram
Jason Rainwater @attachedwpf
Jay Hill @jittery
Joe Healy @devfish
Joe Homnick @smokingjoe
John Dunagan @johndunagan
Jonas Stawski @jstawski
Josef Diago
Karin Kennedy @karin_kennedy
Kathy Malone
Keith Tingle @ktingle
Kevin Wolf @bytemaster
Lindsay Shugerman @lindsay39
Louis Datz @loudatz
Matt Van Horn @mvanhorn
Michael Longin @mlongin
Michael Potts @hmhackmaster
Michael Stark @mstarktv
Mike Suarez @msuarz
Moonis Tahir
Nathan Totten @ntotten
Nikita Polyakov @nikitap
Oleg Sych @olegsych
Page Horton
Perry Kaye
Phillip E. Rosen @BIwPhil
Plamen Ratchev @PlamenRatchev
Rainer Habermann @RainerHabermann
Rajeev Singh @rsingh68
Ray Almonte, PMP @appdevpm
Rey Bango @reybango
Rich Dudley @rj_dudley
Robert Vanderwall
Russell Fustino @russtoolshed
Ryan Morgan @arrownuke
Ryan Parsley @Ryan Parsley
Sam Abraham @wildturtle21
Scott Katarincic
Scott Klein @SQLScott
Seth Juarez @SethJuarez
Shervin Shakibi @shervsherv
Stan Schultes @fstanschultes
Stonly Baptiste @StonlyBaptiste
Timothy P McAliley
Walter V. Williams, Jr.
Wes Dumey
Woody Pewitt @woodyp
Zachary Gramana

Here is some of the XMAL code generated by Expression Blend 4:

        <Style x:Key="btnSFCC2" TargetType="Button">
<Setter Property="Template">
<ControlTemplate TargetType="Button">
<Rectangle RadiusY="33" RadiusX="33" Stroke="Black">
<LinearGradientBrush EndPoint="0.5,1" StartPoint="0.5,0">
<GradientStop Color="#FF1A24BE" Offset="0"/>
<GradientStop Color="White" Offset="1"/>
<ContentPresenter HorizontalAlignment="{TemplateBinding HorizontalContentAlignment}" VerticalAlignment="{TemplateBinding VerticalContentAlignment}" Content="SFCC"/>

So There we have it; South Florida Code Camp & ‘Blendin WP7Dev’! If you can’t make the camp look for the app on the Windows Phone.

As always all comments welcome. That is all, there will be more,
